Painting Happiness

Laying down the base color

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions. ” Dalai Lama

What makes you happy?  For me, besides the obvious (children, loved ones, family), it's art.  Creating.  Nothing brings me closer to happiness.  

I am very fortunate to be doing what I love for a living.  I need to remember this when life gets me down.  It's not easy being a single parent and it's not easy being broke but I can think of a lot of things much worse.  

Happiness is a choice.  I have to choose everyday to be happy.  When I paint, happiness comes easily.  

It's the deciding what to paint and going with my ideas and decisions that is the scary part for me.  I question myself too much.  I am far too concerned with perfection and what others will think of my art.  Sometimes it's so bad it's paralyzing.

I recognize this.  I always have.  I am now learning to let go of these fears so I can paint and be happy.

So now, even if I don't "feel" like it, I will paint.  Even if i am fearful or uncertain, I will create and inspire my own happiness through my own actions.

Sounds good to me.  : )


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