Believe it or not I was trying really hard on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday of last week to get this painting finished before the inevitable.

But Thursday began with the WORST headache ever and lingered until Friday night. I hate migraines. I really think it came from not having a well ventilated space to paint.

I have to paint in my bedroom, currently. Not ideal. When you are painting and sleeping in the same room it can't be good for you. Someone buy my paintings so I can afford my dream studio. Please. Pretty Please. :)

Alas, here it is, Wednesday, and my blog is up two days late and my painting is not finished. Life happens.

So, Sunday came and with it, my wonderful, sweet, handsome, and strong father to help me out. You see, I am moving. I HAVE to get my butt and my kids sweet little butts out of this town. I LOVE Wimberley, TX. It's been good for us.  Great place for kids.  Great schools. I have tried so hard to stay, but I realize that sometimes you have to move to make progress.

I need to get a new job. Hopefully one with benefits. Moving closer to Austin will present me with more opportunity to find that job and security that my family needs right now. I am looking to move to Cedar Park or Jonestown. They are right next to Austin and right next to my boyfriend. That's a perk.

So now, I am starting to put things in boxes and drag things I don't need to the thrift store. My dad is also helping me touch up walls with paint, patch ceilings, and put in some new trim and floors in some parts of the house. I need to sell in order to move. I hope I get gazillions for it. Teehee. It's just a single wide. But I am going to stage it awesomely.

Lastly, the bottom picture is of the family Spongebob Squarepants cookie jar. He's possessed. He goes off all the time with his little Spongebob sayings even though he is only supposed to talk when you lift the lid to grab a cookie. He is 11 years old and his batteries have never been changed. His sudden phrases seems to correspond to whatever is going on at the moment. Creepy. We love him.

Don't worry Spongebob. We won't move without you. You are part of the family now.


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